In 2018, content marketing will continue to influence marketing and business in a bigger, and more impactful way. 2017 saw us become remarkably more sophisticated in the types of content being offered and the level of depth and strategy being used.
As we move into 2018, factors such as more widespread adoption of marketing automation, the massive shift to video marketing, and the precipice of AI and real personalization in content marketing being behind us, the pace of change certainly isn’t going to slow down.
Which means the challenge for all of us is to keep up.
The push behind making content better – more engaging, richer content that resonates with the content consumer like it was made for them – is being driven by dozens of content marketing influencers who are sharing their insights, experience and knowledge of how to do content well – really well.
If you want to make your content marketing better in 2018, tap into the minds who have been cultivating this area of marketing for years.
recently shared their list of the leading content marketing influencers (with me exclusively) for 2018.
Their data reveals what’s being discussed more than any other area of content and it also identifies the most influential voices, based on how much engagement they are driving, how much they are talking, number of followers, and how much they are referenced.
Yours truly is happy to be named on this list, and I have to say I’m excited to keep the conversations going with all of these great minds. Can’t wait to see what we’re doing by the end of this 12-month ride around the sun!
Insights into 2018 from Leading Content Influencers
“Social media platforms are essentially huge AI systems designed to keep users tuned in by showing them things they want to see and using data to increase conversions each time a user engages. But AI isn’t really that smart yet. AI is big data pattern recognition…It’s not actually ‘thinking’.”
“While so many brands get a story idea and decide to publish everywhere, the strategy that works the best is true focus. Communicate your message through (for the most part) one content type (audio, video, textual, imagery), one main platform (website, YouTube, iTunes), and deliver consistently over a long period of time. This is how great brands and loyal audiences are built. We actually don’t have to publish everywhere.”
“I also think that we will be seeing more employee advocacy programs in 2018. Businesses are finding it more and more difficult to stand out and audiences are (quite understandably) not that trusting of brands. That’s why businesses need to leverage the reach of their employees and make them an integral part of their content marketing strategy.”
Sam Hurley – Content Marketer and Founder of Optim-Eyez
“It’s (video) an incredibly relevant form of content that aligns perfectly with the explosion of mobile usage; video isn’t going anywhere – it sparks deeper engagement, and audiences crave it.”
My content marketing prediction for 2018:
2018 is the year marketing leaders realize that our greatest source of content and power of distribution is in our employees. The most authentic and engaging content will come from the experts inside our own company, sharing what they know and what they love. HR is the new Marketing.
Video and personalization are still the hottest trends in content marketing right now. And AI is the hottest buzzword. All of which require special skills, technology and most of all a focus on storytelling.
The Top 25 Influencers in the World of Content Marketing
Here is the latest list of top Content Marketing influencers for 2018 from Onalytica:
According to Onalytica’s 2017 report, the most talked about content marketing topics in 2017 were social media, and analytics and data. These two combined made up the lion’s share of the conversation, followed by sales, video and B2B.
In addition to just the top 2018 Content Marketing Influencers, here are the top 25 social media marketing and analytics influencers from the 2017 report
Top 50 Influencers for Social Media
Rank Name Twitter Handle Influencer Score
1 Lee Odden @leeodden 100.00
2 Neal Schaffer @NealSchaffer 74.80
3 Mark Fidelman @markfidelman 58.33
4 Brian Solis @briansolis 51.94
5 Mark Schaefer @markwschaefer 47.62
6 Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas 42.51
7 Sean Gardner @2morrowknight 38.17
8 Pam Moore @PamMktgNut 36.50
9 Ann Handley @MarketingProfs 35.67
10 Brian Fanzo @iSocialFanz 35.38
11 Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael 33.32
12 Guy Kawasaki @GuyKawasaki 32.08
13 Jay Baer @jaybaer 31.79
14 Bryan Kramer @bryankramer 30.19
15 Rachel Miller @rachelloumiller 30.10
16 Travis Wright @teedubya 29.49
17 Ted Rubin @TedRubin 27.71
18 AJ Agrawal @ajagrawal24 24.61
19 Tamara McCleary @TamaraMcCleary 24.01
20 Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee 23.53
21 Sujan Patel @sujanpatel 23.31
22 Cynthia Johnson @CynthiaLIVE 22.21
23 Amisha @AmishaGandhi 21.89
24 Tim Hughes @Timothy_Hughes 21.76
25 Lilach Bullock @lilachbullock 21.58
This content was originally published here.