Posicionarnos Posicionamiento web 51 Profitable SEO Niches to Dominate with Low Competition

51 Profitable SEO Niches to Dominate with Low Competition


Today I’m going to reveal some of the most interesting online niches where there is a lot of money to be made. These are niches which have a level of competition that allows you to compete, and fast. In other words, I wouldn’t expect to be waiting years (or even months, in many cases) to see some results.

I’ve seen other people put together eBook’s and blog posts on this topic before but they usually just contain a huge bulleted list with no information on how they found the niche, why they think it’s a good niche to enter and how you would actually make money in it. I really didn’t want to do that when deciding to cover this topic, so have covered each niche in a lot of depth so you can see if it’s the right fit for you.

If there is a positive response to this kind of post I’ll definitely do more like it in the future, so please do share your feedback in the comments!

Come Closer to Your Screen For This First Opportunity

A few months ago I was doing some backlink analysis and noticed a network of websites which were all competing for a similar keyphrase, slightly tweaked for different industries.

I ran their sites through my usual go-to tools like SEMRush and Similarweb and was slightly blown-away at what I had just discovered. A network of low-quality, thin websites with barely any links was ranking for queries which, when combined, were being searched for millions of times per month.

I have since taken advantage of what I found that day and actually never planned on sharing it.

While I’m not the only one to to have discovered the opportunity, as you can see from a recent tweet of mine, I haven’t seen it covered elsewhere.

When an SEO guy tweets a G Trends screenshot of how fast one of your niches is growing and you hope noone else saw it.

You may be wondering why I was concerned about a lot of people finding this opportunity before and why I’m sharing it with tens of thousands of people now. Well, I went a little overboard with the research for this very article and found so many niches you can capitlise on it with that I’m really not worried about competition.

“Enough of the hype, Glen, what’s the keyphrase?”

That’s it. That’s the search query.

Or more specifically, something near me. This screenshot of keyphrases which Thumbtack – a popular services marketplace – are ranking for should give you some idea of the potential.


Another reason this opportunity is interesting to me is because it doesn’t seem to be taking much to rank.

In two of the search terms above, exact match domains are performing very well with very few backlinks. I’m not going to ‘out’ the sites but they are very easy to find when you start analysing the opportunities here.

I was able to pick up a few exact match domains myself so they’re definitely still available. I did add a few more domains to my list before going live with this article, but left out quite a few others I found.


All of the other sites I’m ranking in this space are .com’s so I’m curious to see how well the recent .co.uk purchase works out, targeting a UK-specific search query.

While I’m certainly not the only one to catch on to this, it’s always a good sign when you see exact match or nearly exact-match domains ranking well in Google. It means there are very few authoritative sites which Google thinks should be ranking.

It’s funny to see that some people are trying to capitalise on this new opportunity already with some high-priced domain names.


Now, I am aware that a large number of ‘near me’ searches are likely performed on mobile and are from people hoping to find map listings in the search results, rather than actual websites to click on.

However, the dozens of near me sites I’ve investigated appear to be receiving a lot of traffic without being featured on any kind of map pack.

I’ll use an authoritative site, HoursInfo, to give an example. I picked them because they have a number of rankings related to ‘near me’ search terms but aren’t some small time webmaster capitalising on the opportunity. You can see they are some of the most popular terms the site ranks for.


Now, I am aware that their rankings for the highlighted search terms are not great. I’ve sorted the results by volume rather than ranking position, just to show how many searches there are with ‘near me’ in the keyphrase.

Some examples of high rankings they have attained, along with their search volume, include:

  • Dominos near me: 450,000 searches per month (Ranked #5)
  • Post office near me: 368,000 searches per month (Ranked #2)
  • Chase bank near me: 368,000 searches per month (Ranked #5)
  • Gamestop near me: 165,000 searches per month (Ranked #6)

There are many more, but you get the idea.

Here’s the SimilarWeb graphic to give an idea of how much traffic they really do receive.


I’ve started ranking a number of ‘near me’ sites but they’re not high enough to show any impressive stats. That being said, I know the traffic is there due to how many small, exact match domains I’ve found ranking and their predicted traffic stats among a number of different analysis tools.

If nothing else, this could be a good niche just to test your SEO skills.

In regards to monetising the traffic, it really depends on what industry you choose. For terms like dog grooming and pet spa’s, how to monetise the site should be fairly obvious.

Making Thousands With…Bone Broth

Bear with me here; I haven’t totally lost the plot. If you haven’t been following the latest health crazes over the past year then you are probably as equally as confused as I was when I first came across this healthy meal.

Bone broth is simply a broth that is primarily made of bones and contains few vegetables (if any) which makes it different from stock.

The reason I like this topic is not because it’s some fad to jump on, but bone broth is actually proven to have a number of medical benefits. If you don’t think Apple Cider Vinegar as a health remedy is going to die out any time soon, then neither is this.


The large spike on this graph is for January of 2016, whereas the topic was talked about most in the middle of 2015. That makes me believe that people are going to go crazy for this product once again in January of 2017, when we’re in “New Years Resolution mode” and anything “healthy” tempts us to keep our wallets open.

If you’re wondering where the money to be made – “Can’t people just make it themselves?” – then you would be surprised how much people are making (and charging) for this concoction.

I first came across the topic where the owner of a Broth website, Kettle and Fire, was discussing how much a new plugin for his Shopify store made him in sales.


It was the first time I had heard of ‘Bone broth’ so I was intrigued to learn more.

That’s when I saw it being hailed as a new healthy drink option by the New York Times and MSNBC. From there, I found a number of other stores selling the broth, and it’s certainly not cheap.


That’s $70 for just 6 packs.

If you’re into natural, healthy eating then this may just be the niche for you.

You could affiliate yourself with someone who sells bone broth, make your own, or simply use variations of the term to drive traffic to other health products and offers.

If selling products on Amazon is your thing, I can imagine this is going to be a great market to start dominating now.

The Huge Opportunity with Tiny Houses

The Tiny house movement sounds exactly as it is: It’s a movement for people who want to be able to live in tiny houses.

Believe it or not, it’s a growing trend.


When I first found a video about tiny houses on Youtube I thought they were just a cute little idea. Fast forward 45 minutes and I had found myself looking at dozens of little tiny houses and being constantly impressed with what people can do with their homes.

I was also amazed to see Tiny House Youtube channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, especially when I hadn’t previously knew that ‘tiny living’ was a thing.

On some popular videos I found the Youtube comments weren’t just people insulting each other – for once – but people with questions where you can get ideas for building the solution. Here are the comments on one particularly popular video.


Just from those two comments alone you can get the idea to:

  • Create a directory of people who build tiny houses and send them leads for a fee
  • Review products designed for tiny houses and promote them with affiliate links
  • Create a step-by-step information product on building your first tiny house

If I was going to take this on personally I would go with option two, and review products. I would focus on creating an Instagram page showcasing tiny houses and then reaching out to manufacturers to see if I could get products to review.

While tiny house owners seem to want to spend as little money as possible, the one in the video above cost $77,000, which certainly isn’t cheap. While they don’t want to spend a lot of money, they’re still spending it, and I could see tiny product reviews working very well.

GPS Car Tracking

I’ve been building this blog post over the past few months so any time a new industry or niche idea comes to me, I write it down.

It was interesting to see that one Reddit thread I wanted to cover had actually deleted the opportunity they were talking about.


Although the original poster seemed more than happy to share the idea originally – as you can see in their discussion title – it seems like they didn’t feel that way for very long.

Commenters absolutely loved the idea and everyone started thinking of businesses around it. I think this scared the original poster.

You may question my integrity when I highlight what was there, but every single comment reply explains what the business idea was. It received nearly 700 upvotes on Reddit so has already been seen tens of thousands of times.

And of course, only those interested in the niche will take any action (see my closing statements in this blog post) so there’s not too much to worry about.

The original idea, shared on Reddit, was good but not something I would go for myself, which is why I’m more open to sharing it.

The idea was to buy GPS trackers on Alibaba and then go and fit them on cars in your local area for a fee. Apparently they’re fairly easy to install and then people can have peace of mind if their car ever gets stolen or they want to track where their kids are driving when they’re using their car.

I prefer online businesses to those offline, and while people can make some good cash with this – many commenters were excited about copying it directly – it’s too labor intensive for me and the scope is too small.

Instead, I would consider doing things like:

  • Importing the GPS trackers and selling them via Amazon or my own Shopify store
  • Creating a lead generation site for those wanting this then selling the leads to people who can do it
  • Reviewing each tracker and promoting them with affiliate links

I think this niche is only going to get bigger as it becomes easier to set-up, so there’s a lot of potential here.

Laserless Tattoo Removal

With more people sporting tattoos than any other generation in history, it makes sense that we would have more people than ever trying to remove them.

While laser tattoo removal is a growing trend, so is the desire to remove tattoo’s without any lasers.

Right now, admittedly, there aren’t huge volume numbers for this search term. Most estimates point to various terms, like “non laser tattoo removal”, receiving around 200-500 searches per month.

That being said, there is a Clickbank product on the topic that seems to be selling quite well, so there’s definitely a market for it.

And I predict that market will grow.


As far as monetisation goes, I would personally try to target people via these “lessor” keyphrases and sell them on a more expensive solution (providing it is a better solution). I don’t think there are any alternatives that are better than lasers for removing tattoos.

Tattoo removal shops typically charge over $1,000 for the service so if you’re able to generate leads for local businesses, they’ll definitely pay for you for people you can send their way.

Will Automation Increase 18 Wheeler Accidents?

Legal industries online are some of the most profitable out there. Unfortunately, many of them are dominated by large firms which Google view as authorities in the space so even if their page ranking has little to no internal links, they still rank.

Fortunately, there are still a few opportunities. Many of which I’m taking advantage of with the rank and rent model (I cover it in-depth in a 20 minute video in email number five). If we look at 18 wheeler accident, we can see that the results aren’t dominated by top legal firms, but actually by news sources.

However, there is one site that was able to break through the news.

I edited the screenshot so it was not too long. The legal site here was ranking in 7th for me.

Now you may be thinking this is a very obscure and unsearched for industry to go after, but the numbers are quite impressive.

According to Google Keyword planner:

  • truck accident: 8,100 monthly searches
  • 18 wheeler accident: 1,300 monthly searches
  • truck rollover: 1,300 monthly searches
  • truck accident lawyer: 1,000 monthly searches
  • semi truck accident: 1,000 monthly searches
  • truck accident attorney: 720 monthly searches
  • fatal truck accident: 390 monthly searches

The keyphrases I’ve highlighted in bold are the ones that interest me most as I feel I could directly make money with them. While the first will include people looking for news results, I believe it will also include those looking for help with legal action after suffering an accident themselves.

The suggested Adwords bid price for ‘truck accident lawyer’ is $139.72. That means Google suggest you will need to bid $140 per click if you want to get one of the top ad spots in search results for the US. In other words, this industry is worth a lot of money to lawyers and they’re willing to pay to get clients.

As far as monetisation goes, as I mentioned earlier, I would primarily be focused on the rank and rent model. Either rank a website in this industry and rent it out to an actual legal firm, or get in touch with legal firms and ask how much they are willing to pay for leads you send their way.

Finally, I do wonder if this is an industry which is only going to be worth a lot more money in the future. This is one field where automation is likely to happen, at least in part, over the next decade. Those automated truck lawsuits are going to set a very interesting precedent for vehicle automation as a whole.

Car Shipping Companies

Just like with the legal truck angle, car shipping companies present another great opportunity to use the rank and rent model or rank to lead generation model.

Some of the most searched for terms in this niche include:

  • shipping a car: 8,100 monthly searches
  • auto shipping: 8,100 monthly searches
  • auto transport companies: 6,600 monthly searches
  • car transport companies: 4,400 monthly searches
  • how much does it cost to ship a car: 4,400 monthly searches
  • car shipping companies: 3,600 monthly searches
  • how much to ship a car: 2,900 monthly searches

It’s nice to see so many variations of how to phrase the question and yet each search term still has some form of buyer intent.

Let’s look at the search results for one of these terms, ‘Car shipping companies’.

Note: I removed the ads from this screenshot to reduce its length.

RD in the screenshot stands for Referring Domains. This means how many different websites are linking to them. The lower the number, the better. While companies like Uship will have thousands of different sites linking to them, it shows that the smaller, newer competitors still have a chance to rank in Google.

But these guys rank so far down. Are they really getting traffic?

Well let’s look at the worst ranking website in my screenshot, Shipmycar.com. Remember this was actually lower down because ads are normally in the result but I removed them to shorten the graphic.

If we look at SEMRush we can see they’re growing quite well organically.


Of course, these numbers aren’t huge, but they don’t have to be. When people are searching for these terms they’re generally ready to part ways with their cash, or doing the final research before they do.

There’s also the great local SEO angle with ‘ship a car [city]’ type search terms. According to one of the websites ranking, the most popular cities to ship cars to and from are:

  • New York, New York
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Washington
  • San Francisco
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Miami, Florida
  • Houston, Texas

If you’re outside of the US there is probably even less competition. If you’re in Europe for example then research things like “driving through Europe” or “car shipping to Europe” and so on.

This isn’t always an obvious niche that people think about so the current competition can definitely be beaten if you’re willing to put in the work.

Security System Reviews

With 2,400 searches per month and a suggested Adwords bid price of $14 per click, this is a search term I really like. Not only because of the acceptable search volume and clear ad presence, but because the term ‘reviews’ signals intent. It shows someone is likely looking to purchase a system in the near future.

This opens up the opportunity to either promote your own products, use a dropshipper, or promote Amazon products as an affiliate.

It’s also a niche that seems to be growing as well, as security systems become more affordable.


If you see anything like the following in search results, it’s always a good sign.


Whenever I come across a growing niche that has recent dates in the search result, it always peaks my curiosity. Mostly because standard ranking factors (age, most links, domain authority) often don’t apply and a few basic links pointing something written recently are all you need.

Millions of Parents Need ‘Kids Party Ideas’

One niche I’m surprised to see hasn’t been dominated too extensively by huge brands is that of specific party ideas for kids.

If you have young children of your own and could see yourself writing about this niche and sharing photos of your parties with others, this could be the niche for you.

I first read about this website when looking at a success story for a certain website builder.


Although his website is very prominently shared as a success story around the web, I do want to be a bit more coy and block out any concrete information as to what his site is.

The main website in his network is ranking for more than 31,000 different keyphrases, some of which are searched for thousands of times per month. In another effort at being respectful to their success, I have blocked out number 1 rankings they’ve sustained for a long time.


The stats are even more impressive when you consider than the website “only” has links from 400 others. That’s not a huge number from a site which gets millions of visitors each month from Google.


Especially when many of those links are from websites which anyone can pick up a link from, just by taking the time to register on them.

While it’s not a niche I would be interested in personally, I think it could be a great side-project for anyone with young children.

I would monetise the site with things like an eBook detailing the best party ideas, and then including a directory which takes a commission for leads on things like party magicians and clowns. There’s also the chance to link to party props and decorations as an Amazon affiliate.

A Niche That’s Virtually Yours for the Taking

If I just said “get involved in the virtual reality niche” that would be a little boring of me, and typical of the poor profitable niche ideas blog posts I’ve seen in the past.

I’m sure you already know that virtual reality gaming (and other forms of erm…entertainment) have a big future ahead of them and companies like Facebook have invested billions of dollars into what they believe will be a huge new market.

So as an SEO knowing that the world is going to be searching for virtual reality “things” in the future, where do you start when looking to conquer Google?

Personally, I would start by looking at the news.

Not what TechCrunch is saying about the industry, but who the readers of TechCrunch are investing in.

One such example, is UploadVR. A one year old blog which raised over $1.25m just seven months ago.

While the numbers aren’t huge for the investing world, it’s a pretty big sign that people think a blog on the topic is going to make significantly more money than that back. The sum is even more impressive when you consider that we’ve barely even scratched the surface with usable products that anyone can easily own.

When I first saw the ‘virtual desktop’ a few months ago I have to admit I was blown away. I’ve never played with an Oculus Rift or similar device, but I would love to get the chance to. Virtual desktop for VR basically negates the need to take off your headset to look at other things on your computer.


When I first saw this I instantly thought, “Someone is going to make a Google competitor that works so incredibly well in Virtual Reality.” Google will then go and buy them most likely, but still, I think that’s one of the next big things we’re going to see from a well-funded startup.

Sadly I am not a well-funded startup and nor do I want to take on that challenge, so we have to spread our horizons a little bit.

Looking at the categories of UPloadVR.com alone you can learn a lot about the areas of search that are going to be popular:

  • Google Cardboard
  • Oculus Rift
  • Virtual reality shopping
  • Virtual reality advertising
  • DIY Virtual reality
  • Virtual reality cameras
  • Virtual reality jobs

The list goes on. I think any one of these could merit a stand-alone website.

If you’re really into this niche and willing to do extra research, upload VR have one cool feature as part of their design.


That’s right: The pageview count for every article.

For a stats-nerd like myself, I love having this kind of data available.

I’ve no doubt you could pay a programmer $100 or so to scrape the website and figure out what the most popular posts in their history have been. Keeping in mind that some will have just ‘gone viral’ and won’t necessarily be searched for, it would give a lot of insights into the potential future of this huge industry.

The Web Needs a Pole Dancing Directory, Believe It or Not

You’re probably going to wonder what I was “Googling” when I say this but I just couldn’t get away from this niche when doing research for this post. I really didn’t want to write about it at all because it’s not a keyphrase as such but I just had to cover it.

After all, these niches are supposed to be for you and not for me, and I know quite a few people personally who would actually like to tackle a project like this one.

I first came across the ‘Pole dancing course’ niche on Clickbank, where there are a few eBooks and membership sites for sale (which you could promote as an affiliate).

Then a few weeks ago I received an email from an ex-Girlfriend who I haven’t spoken to for years and remembered she used to take pole dancing lessons, and still does.

For guys not in the know, pole dancing lessons are not just for women who want to work in the nightlife industry. I’ve seen a few classes in person and people (mostly women, of course) have a lot of fun with it. It’s physically demanding so a great way to keep fit.

As I always say “Go local” I started looking for pole dancing courses in different locations around the world. Whether that was states in the US or for major cities in the UK.

The competition is fierce.

There are ads four ads for everything I searched for and then the map pack and…it’s tough.

But I wouldn’t write off the niche just yet.

One thing that I found was missing in this industry was a directory. One place where you could find reviews of the different places to get lessons for a specific country.

I would personally create a huge directory of all the schools and academies out there in the UK and allow people to rate and review them. Then for each city you could of course reach out to the various schools and offer advertising opportunities on the website.

Just for London alone, look at the type of queries people are searching for:

  • London pole dancing class
  • London pole dancing school
  • London pole dancing academy

I found 17 diffferent schools in London alone, so it’s a competitive market.

I would say this industry is my ‘wildcard’ as there are not too many angles to enter it from unlike other ideas I’ve shared. This is just an opportunity I think some passionate could do really well with, and I would have been doing someone an injustice if I didn’t write about it here.

A Millionaire Reaches 27,100 Monthly Searchers for What?

I was reading an AMA on Reddit’s Entrepreneur section recently and came across the owner of an online store for glass pipes and other smoking-related items. Since I was working on this article at the time, I decided to do some research into the types of keywords his site was ranking for. After all, it had generated over $6M in revenue in 2016 so far so the site must be doing quite well.

While there were many keywords to choose from, the one that stood out to me was “dab rigs.” Mostly because I had no idea what that was. At 27,100 searches per month, I decided to check the search results.


Even searching from the US there are only Google shopping links in the right of search results – no ads – and I love search results like this which have:

  • Forum threads ranking
  • Blog posts from 2016 ranking
  • No huge ecommerce sites like Amazon ranking
  • No hompages ranking; only sub-pages

I think if you were going to create a dedicated website solely on ‘dab rigs’ then you could have a good chance of ranking well. It’s also a buyer-intent keyword, so if smoking and paraphernalia are your thing, it could be for you.

Just Starting with SEO? Maybe Try This

If getting high is your thing but you’re new to the SEO world, you might want to start with a lessor search term to test your ranking and website building skills. Another term which dab rigs go by are ‘concentrate rigs’.

Again I had no idea what this is but Google tells me,

Dab rigs focus on flavor rather than filtration like traditional water pipes because concentrates are typically already refined, and do not need debris filtration like traditional dry herbs.

If you’re going to have success in this niche, you should have known this anyway.

While concentrate rigs “only” gets 1,600 searches per month (still not bad for a buyer-intent keyphrase), the .com is available.


And if you’re angry it’s not available by the time you’re reading this post, I promise it was. Go and check Whois…someone just registered that today.

It doesn’t mean you can’t attempt to rank for the keyphrase though. Try concentratehq or concentraterigs.net and so on. Just because someone got the .com it doesn’t mean they’re actually going to put any work into it.

How to Soundproof a __

When I first attempted to take up podcasting a few years ago I discovered the office I was working with (a fairly square room with little furniture) was far from ideal when it came to acoustic sound. I had to purchase a number of foam panels for certain areas of my wall in order to get rid of the echo I was experiencing in the room.

That’s why I know this is a good niche to enter, because people are willing to spend money to fix this problem, especially when they’ve spent money on a good sound system / podcast microphone / studio equipment.

A few relevant search terms in this niche include:

  • how to soundproof a room: 12,100 monthly searches
  • how to soundproof a wall: 2,400 monthly searches
  • How to soundproof a door: 3,600 monthly searches
  • How to soundproof a bedroom: 1,000 monthly searches

As you can imagine, the list really does go on.

Even just for a door, the number of long-tail keywords which are searched for – found via Google Suggest – are many.

  • How to soundproof a door
  • How to soundproof a door cheap
  • How to soundproof a door with household items
  • How to soundproof a bedroom door
  • How to soundproof a hollow door

If you enter this niche, you have absolutely no excuse to ever run out of topics to write about if you’ve really done your keyword research.

Another reason I like this industry is because the search results are dominated by blog posts.

But bloggers who wanted to cover this topic with their own advice.

The obvious option when it comes to monetisation is linking to stores to purchase the acoustic panels you recommend as an affiliate, but there are many more options to take especially if you’re reaching people who run recording studios or are just getting into podcasting.

And I went the extra mile:


Whoever goes and registers this, please actually build a site on it.

A Genius ‘Rank and Rent’ Niche Idea

I love this one. Not because it follows one of my favourite online business models – the rank and rent method – but because it’s such a different take on the niches that people generally associate with this business model.

We’ve all heard about recommendations for injury lawyers and office rental and so on, but you’ve never heard anyone talk about this niche.

I’m not even going to look at the search volume for this one because I don’t care. It makes logical sense that people are searching for this and even if the numbers are small, it’s once again a buyer-intent keyword.

Oh, and a reader of ViperChill is already renting out four websites in this niche.


I asked for permission before sharing the niche here.

I said I would not check the search volume for this term, and I won’t, but the Google Trends graph is encouraging.


I could totally see local beauty salons and hair salons willing to pay for leads generated by these search queries.

Heavy Equipment Rental

I won’t claim to know much the construction industry but I am pretty sure about one thing: Companies are far more likely to rent the equipment they use around the world rather than own and transport it themselves.

Renting construction equipment is a very lucrative industry because some items can cost thousands of dollars per day

In the UK, crane hire for 5 hours is £390 ($514). This is not a huge crane that you see working on malls or car parks. This is for a very small crane which sits on the back of a lorry and can’t lift more than 10 tons. They’re expensive to own, and expensive to rent.

There are so many different angles to take with this niche because of how many different types of heavy equipment people rent. It was funny to check a few domain names and see how much people want for them.



If you don’t have the budget for these, I understand. Unless I was really into this industry and wanted to make a huge authority site, I wouldn’t consider them either.

However, being the overly curious guy that I am, I did manage to find a few .com’s which are available and do pick up some searches each month.

  • RentRototiller.com – 720 searches per month
  • DingoRental.com – 590 searches per month
  • HydroseedRental.com – 590 searches per month

As of hitting publish these domains are available. I’m sure they’ll be gone very quickly. Not to worry; I’m sure there are many, many more as well. I didn’t do too much research into them as I won’t be entering this niche myself.

I will be straight with you, as I feel I have been for the entirety of this blog post: There are big players in this niche. Companies with hundreds of millions of dollars – like CAT – dominating the search results for most queries.

That’s why, if I were to take this on, I would go local.

Don’t just go for broad rental phrases but go for the rental phrases for specific areas. To give you a starting point, the top five US states for construction work are currently:

  • Oklahoma
  • Illinois
  • Florida
  • Texas
  • California

If you’re outside of the US, like myself, then research areas where construction companies and homeowners are more likely to be looking for heavy duty equipment.

As luck would have it, we can also combine my first niche recommendation with this one. Sunbelt Rentals rank very well for a number of rental search terms. The last query on this list is interesting:


Don’t just tackle this from a generic standpoint. Try to be creative.

As with other industries I’ve covered, the aim is not to get thousands of visitors landing on your website each month. It’s about getting the right visitors and being able to convert them as a lead to send to companies who can pay big money for them.

And finally, a good way to know if this is the niche for you: You already knew what a hydroseed and rototiller were without searching Google (because I certainly didn’t).

The Simplest Ever Guide to Finding Your Own Highly Profitable Niche Ideas

The above search term, admittedly, comes with a number of ads in the search results. Buyer intent keywords usually do if you’re based in America. There are far lessor ads when I change my proxy settings to non-US countries so keep that in mind, but the majority of readers here are based in the United States.

If you’re seeing ads for anything you search for after reading this post today: Make sure you learn from them.

One website I see constantly running ads is http://bestreviews.guide.

For example, for the ‘security system reviews’ keyphrase I see them buying ads for this term and then sending traffic to the following page.


Every single ‘View Product’ link is simply an Amazon affiliate link.

Since Security system reviews was an interesting niche to explore, we can then analyse what other industries http://bestreviews.guide have “caught on to” in order to give us inspiration for other industries to enter.

For this example, I’m going to use SEMRush.com. I did recently purchase a premium account, but for the purpose of this example I will not log in, meaning I’m only using data which is freely available.

When I enter their domain name and look at other terms they’re buying ads for, I see the following results:


While some of these may be search terms they’re just ‘testing’ to see if there’s money to be made, you can generally conclude that they are making money, otherwise they wouldn’t be bidding on the terms.

Best bluetooth earbuds is only going to increase in popularity if the rumors are true about Apple’s next iPhone coming without a headphone jack.

Best portable air conditioner is only going to increase in popularity if sponsored scientists continue denying the state of global warming.

For any ads that you see in Google when performing your research, put them into SEMRush to see what other industries they’re advertising in and then analyse the organic search results.

BestProducts.com = The Biggest Link Network Google Won’t Penalise

It’s not secret that I’m disappointed as to how well BestProducts.com are ranking in Google. Especially since they only benefit from sitewide footer links on Esquire, Cosmopolitan and Elle.com. It’s seems highly ironic that Google will go through Black hat world forums looking for sites and networks to penalise but totally ignore the big fish right under their nose.

I guess Hearst Media spend enough money on Google Adwords.

That out of the way, there is something to learn from BestProducts.com: 99% of their rankings are for keyphrases where freshness counts.

For certain search queries, how recent something was written matters far more than how many links it has to a certain page, or how good the on-site SEO is, and so on.

This is known as Query Deserves Freshness, or QDF for short.

Therefore, if we analyse the terms they’re ranking for, we can see opportunities where new sites and pages actually stand a chance of ranking.

I’ve logged into SEMRush.com now to give you a list of some of those terms, for your inspiration:

  • wireless earbuds: 90,500 searches per month
  • best wireless earbuds: 22,200 searches per month
  • best vacuum cleaner: 22,200 searches per month
  • best waist trainer: 22,200 searches per month
  • waterproof bluetooth speaker: 18,100 searches per month
  • lighted makeup mirror: 14,800 searches per month
  • best portable speakers: 12,100 searches per month
  • moscow mule mugs: 33,100 searches per month
  • best bluetooth headphones: 40,500 searches per month
  • best workout headphones: 6,600 searches per month
  • tattoo cover up makeup: 6,600 searches per month
  • best blender for smoothies: 5,400 searches per month

The list goes on, but hopefully there’s inspiration for a variety of niches there.

We’re not done with huge companies and their unstoppable networks just yet.

Small Business Phone System: A Link-Ring Example

“Small business phone system” isn’t a niche I have chosen to cover because I think you should enter it. Not only because the search results are largely dominated by big brands, but if Google Trends is to be trusted then it’s a dying industry as well.

Take a look at the following screenshot to see how brand-dominated the results really are.


You’ve got Cisco, Telstra, ATT and so on. Any rational SEO would look at this search result and think “I’m leaving that one alone.”

What you don’t know, as I know you didn’t go and search for this term – it’s a pretty boring industry – is that I removed the first result from Google.

And the first result isn’t some other huge telecommunications provider offering this as a service. Instead, it’s a blog, who wrote an article on the topic in 2016.


With an estimated 3,600 searches per month, I would say this sends Business News Daily at least 1,000 monthly visitors thanks to their ranking. Ironically, the site is owned by Purch, another of the 16 companies who I reported as dominating the world’s Google search results.

The reason Business News Daily is ranking, is because of Purch’s network. Just look at this example from TomsITPro.


The highlighted text is a slightly more professional way for a private network owner to say, “Here’s a link to another article I wish to rank in my network, and another”.

The mentions of other Purch-owned sites, Top Ten Reviews and Business News Daily are internal links to their own articles on the topic.

Does a network owner really need to cover the same topic three times? I think the better question for these 16 is, why wouldn’t I create this article on all of my sites? Why take one search result when we can have many more.

My annoyances aside, it shows that even brand-dominated queries can be outranked by an in-depth and linked to article on the topic, so don’t count out all opportunities at first glance.

Sorry I Just Killed All of These Niches By Blogging About Them

If you genuinely believe that, then don’t take action on any of them.

Though please allow me to remind you that I dedicated an entire blog post to a Pomodoro app I would love to see built and not a single person created it.

Many, many people got 80% done, but nobody went ahead and actually finished it.

Why? It more than likely wasn’t something that they cared about enough. They just finally had an idea to work on and started working on it.

If I had the interest to do so I would be building far more ‘[industry] near me’ websites but they’re just not very exciting. I do have a few on the go, as I said earlier, but I’m really not putting that much work into the sites. I’m relying (hoping?) on them to rank with minimum effort.

And when someone comes into those industries with a bit more effort, they’ll outrank me and take away some of my marketshare.

When I asked people whether they would be interested in this article before going live, a popular comment was that I would share how I found the niches as well.


While I hope you got something out of the industries I shared, I hope you got more out of how I found them, and you can too in the future. Even if ViperChill readers don’t make these industries saturated, they will be one day, and you need to know how to find other opportunities.

If you got something out of this article and would like to see more of them in the future, please do let me know in the comments below. I have a stack of industries I consider but don’t have time to enter, but at 7,000+ words I think I’ve covered enough for part one.

  1. JJ Phonsotsays:

    Great read for beginners and more advance people. Always appreciate reading your posts

  2. Justinsays:

    I’m surprised at how well some of these niche sites perform.

    Just goes to show there’s plenty of money to be made on the net if you do the right research.

  3. Maximesays:

    thanks for the hours of work that make my life easier 🙂

  4. Adebayosays:

    Investing soon. Glen Keep it up

  5. Matthiassays:

    I literally just opened your websites while sitting next to my girlfriend on the couch and wanted to re-read some old articles to do something more useful than watching soap operas and got more and more excited reading this gem of an article. I find it awesome how often you share really good and well researched niches (cloud niches) but from my own experience the last paragraph of your article is unfortunately true. Anyway, this time I may have found some topics that seem to fit niches I am already in so thanks a lot and please keep more articles like this coming. Is there other way to support you except buying your services and courses? 🙂

  6. satyensays:

    Wow, Even I visit Google trends and all I see is the last 24 hours trend 😉 I took some lessons from this post and will look for other niche ideas. Thanks Glen.

  7. dannysays:

    Another awesome article, keep it up!

    Can I ask what is your favorite tool if you want to see which backlinks are sending the most traffic to a domain/page?

  8. Ericsays:

    So which tools are in your stack for industry research? Are you only using SEMrush and SimilarWeb? Do you have any tips how you decide on a niche? I like your point about many people going 80% but not finishing, so what drives you to keep going the full 100%?

  9. Stevesays:

    I got beat to concentraterigs.com by like half a second buddy. Cheers to whoever it was that beat me! I confused myself on whether I’d privately registered or not for a moment…and that was all it took to lose out. Ha!

    Great article Glen thanks as always. Yes more like this one.

  10. Are You On Page 1says:

    Glen strikes again, Great post and we also love your training from Marketing INC.

  11. Oloyede Jamiusays:

    I can see you spent alot of time writing this long and useful article.

    I have to reread and carefully understand the concept before taking action.

  12. Pardeep Goyalsays:

    Wow.. So big list of niche ideas. I agree with you Glen, that most of people do not implement ideas.

    You shared good pointers for people who are serious about making money online.

  13. Simonsays:

    I’ve been a long time reader of your blog but this is the first time I’ve decided to put anything into practise

    I have registered a couple of domains that use your ideas and will be testing them out over the next few weeks / months!

  14. Ryansays:

    Thanks Glen! Been checking your site (and my inbox, yes I’m on you’re list :p) nonstop since you got started with the idea. Would love to see more of this, really helpful in demonstrating how….big the Internet is. Make people crying “it’s all saturated” even funnier.

  15. Connorsays:

    Thanks for putting this together.

    When you said, “For terms like dog grooming and pet spa’s, how to monetise the site should be fairly obvious.” That wasn’t obvious to me haha. Would you sell the leads the site generates to dog groomers and pet spas?

  16. Andysays:

    You always hit straight out of the park. I just wonder the kind of effort that might have gone into generating this absolute stunner. Love reading your detailed blog posts. Super Awesome as always and it goes without saying….would like to see more

  17. Chadsays:

    Wow! Glen I always love your niche posts. Even though I haven’t (yet) taken action on any of them it always reminds me of the opportunities out there. I really appreciate the effort you put into your posts with so much detail. Keep up the great work!

  18. Anthonysays:

    Check out how much virtualrealitygames.com is going for!!

    (It’s being sold for almost $60000 USD!)

  19. Chrissays:

    You mentioned a topic that’s close to my current niche and I have a newsletter of over 20k. Looks like I’ve got some writing to do. Thanks!

  20. Darius Gaynorsays:

    Great post! It gave me alot of ideas that I will get started on.

  21. Curtis Randolphsays:

    I like the detailed research that you do to present these niche opportunities. Well done. WAY better than others I have seen done in the past. I would like to see more so I can learn how to either do what you do or work with you in some capacity going forward.

  22. Zsoltsays:

    🙂 Very good research! I like your long essays. Keep up the good work! Cheers!

  23. Daianesays:

    Thanks so much for sharing all of this, loving the insights! Now I’m extra motivated to go after one of these niches – I was pondering the thought this week and your post comes as a confirmation that I’m on a good track. 🙂

  24. Rinkesh Kukrejasays:

    As usual great post, Glen. You just gave me some great ideas for my next blog post. There is still so much to learn from you. 🙂

  25. Craig McGintysays:

    Many thanks for taking the time to write this up Glen, would be interested to learn more in the future.

  26. Ricardo d Argencesays:

    Actually, I was looking into the GPS market. It seems companies are investing heavily on this but there’s a lot of opportunities on local SEO.
    Thanks for confirming that.

  27. Sergiusays:

    Very interesting to see how you approach finding these opportunities. Thanks.
    And yeah, I want more.

  28. Howardsays:

    I enjoyed this article. I recently bought the rank and rent playbook, so this helps get my mind thinking on niche ideas. I’ve also talked to local businessmen to get a few ideas and have a deal with one if my site ranks he will rent it. Thanks for all your help. Yes, I would like to see more articles like this in the future.

  29. Kimberlysays:

    Love the way you think and research. Thinking outside the box is second nature to you. See that you get a lot of use from SEM Rush, awesome. Registered a domain name – wishing for 48 hours in a day to get everything done. 🙂

  30. Joshua Hardwicksays:

    This is absolute gold, Glen!

    I actually used to rank #1 for a “best [PRODUCT TYPE]” keyword a few years back with around 50k monthly search volume – used to pull in 20k+ uniques/month at one point, all to one page. It was nothing but a long blog post; I monetised it solely through Amazon affiliate links and it made £400 – £500/month. Each of the products on the page were around £15 – £30.

    I think one thing to be careful of – for those planning to monetise via Amazon (which isn’t the best option in a lot of cases) – is that while logic dictates that going for premium product ($500+) makes more sense (due to a higher commission per purchase), I found this isn’t the case. I had an “Amazon affiliate site” in this price range a while back and I think I sold like 3 things the whole time. People seem quick to part with their cash online when something is £300 mark, they seem a lot more hesitant in my experience.

    BTW, I think the whole “near me” thing would work pretty well for terms like “chinese food near me”, “pizza places near me” etc., as you could monetise with JustEat/HungryHouse affiliate links (pretty sure they have them?) – e.g. someone searches for “chinese food near me”, hits your site, and sees something along the lines of a “XX chinese restaurants currently deliver to you. Order now at JustEat!” either as a pop-up or before the actual listings themselves.

    I’m ranting anyway. Great post. And if I’m being honest, I wish I’d come here sooner and nabbed that “howtosoundproof.com” domain!!

  31. TexasBolosays:

    First time reader of your blog , very good stuff indeed.Good writing. Thanks. Glad your Dad’s G2G. Best of luck.

  32. says:

    Good combination of local as well as affiliate niches! Keep it up glen!

  33. shaun fsays:

    This is fantastic I love love these ideas and tricks!

    More niches to add to my money making tree!

    Shared on twitter because viperchill.com rocks 🙂

  34. Joesays:

    Sorry if you’ve covered this topic before, but how successful in general would one be to pick one of the above niches, then find an expired domain with 10-20 root domains still pointing to it?

    For competitive industries, buying an expired domain with just a few root domains wouldn’t do much, but given that some of the above can rank pretty easily, I’d be curious to know!

  35. Madhukeshwarsays:

    Awesome Glen, explored few new easy to rank niches with this fantastic article. Want more niches 🙂 . Yup to take benefit out of it right action is a must. Appreciate your work and thanks. Cheers !!

  36. Shubhamsays:

    As Always, Just Love Your Research Glen….Thanks for another eye opening post.!!

  37. Ioanasays:

    As valuable as these niches are, I believe (as you also mentioned) that the take-away for this article is THE PROCESS.

    “When I asked people whether they would be interested in this article before going live, a popular comment was that I would share how I found the niches as well.”

    I really hope to see a part two where you talk even more about your process.

    PS. We already have sites in some of the niches you mentioned. They are pretty easy to rank for and not a lot of competitors.

    Here’s what worked for us
    – analyzing competitors that started ranking very well for related phrases in the last 6 months
    – choosing niches where competitors had bad link profiles. Not necessarily low nr. of referring domains, but bad links in general.
    – using Keyword Planner, SemRush & Google’s suggestions to find unique words related to the niche we were exploring (semantic value)

  38. Philipsays:

    I love your posts and appreciate the detail. You always give me some new ideas to implement on my own sites! Although I’m currently busy running a very popular german blog and my own FBA business I still would like to read more posts like this.

    Especially the party idea made me smile because I took advantage of that some years ago and wrote for a popular articel directory site called Suite101 about that topic.

  39. Luan Fernandessays:

    Thanks Glen! I’ve got some enlightening ideas on how to find/pick my niches. The first one is a real killer.
    And also thanks for taking my comment in consideration.

    Can’t wait for the next post.

  40. Andreisays:

    Tried registering oncentraterigs.com but seems someone else got to it first, oh well, seems I’ll go with a pmd for now.

  41. Brucesays:

    As a complete newbie, how on earth do you get relevant content for an item (say, an optician near me) in city A, when you live in city B a thousand kilometers away? Can you point me at an explanation or a “How to” piece of content somewhere?

  42. Colinsays:

    I owe a very large chunk of my business to a blog post you wrote four years ago.

    I took your idea, did a search of my own and uncovered an opportunity that has made me £120,000 since.

    There’s gold in your thinking and I’m thankful every day.

    Going to go and uncover another gem right now.

  43. Ye Sosays:

    Great article!
    The most important for me in your articles is to learn how you think, how you feel, how you smell, how you find those ideas. That is invaluable.

  44. Tomsays:

    Nice! I actually work at a security company. It’s probably a little more saturated because the sites that are ranking have huge budgets, and a few of the top ranking review sites are all owned by the same company (hooray fornetworks…). If anyone follows through and starts ranking home security sites, you should definitely get in touch! kfitzgerald@linkinteractive.com

  45. Marksays:

    Thanks so much for this Glen! The research angle alone is worth its weight in gold – teaching me how to fish one article at a time! More of these research types please!!

  46. Mark G.says:

    Glen, awesome post as usual. It would be interesting to see how many of your readers actually go on to make sites based on these ideas. I’m sure it would be surprising how few it is.

    Speaking for myself, the hardest part is finding a niche that is not only good, but one that I can see myself creating great content for. The “kid party” niche is amazing, but there’s no way I can see myself creating that content.

    Oh, and the Mommy Makeover niche, you connected that to spas and hair salons, but that term actually refers to plastic surgery, which would certainly make it even more lucrative.

  47. Jeff Accasays:

    It’s another great read, your posts never disappoint. Always packed with useful information that most wouldn’t share without a price tag attached

    I especially like the VR stuff, great area of growth and lots of opportunity there!

  48. Shaikh Masood Alamsays:

    This post is just popup in my Facebook timeline and here I am. Glen, you always provide quality article with deep research. I prefer and recommend your blog post to my friends and readers because you share exact method and strategy which you use.
    This post gives me some ideas to test my SEO skills. Thanks again for awesome post.

  49. Takeshisays:

    How would you make money from the pole dancing site? It’s pretty easy to dominate local dance niches, but there’s not much money in it.

  50. Marksays:

    I like you Glen and have followed your work for a long time.
    However, lately you seem to spend a lot of time talking about Reddit and re-hashing posts and ideas from there. Think you may be losing me as a reader but as I don’t spend with you, you are probably not bothered anyway.

  51. Richsays:

    Awesome post Glen! I learned a lot (always do from your stuff). More of this type of post? Yes, please!

  52. Gurjit Singhsays:

    Wow Glen..Freaking amazing Bro. I wish I was the first one to read it…almost all the domains are gone now 🙁

  53. Quantella Owenssays:

    Just wanted to say that this was a great article and I’m working on the “rank-and-rent” model idea right now and recently purchased the “Playbook.”. I do wonder if you could share the name of your “$100 programmer” because the one thing I can say about all of this is how hard it is to find tech help, when you aren’t techie yourself, that doesn’t cost the Earth.

  54. Mattsays:

    I hate to be “that guy,” but I’m a little confused. The title of this posts says “51 profitable SEO niches,” yet I only count 15. Am I missing something Is there a part two coming?

  55. Angel Cruzsays:

    “Words like “near me,” “closest,” and “nearby” are increasingly common across the billions of queries on Google every month. More and more, people are looking for things in their vicinity—be it a gym or a mall, a plumber, or a cup of coffee. Google search interest in “near me” has increased 34X since 20111 and nearly doubled since last year. The vast majority come from mobile—80% in Q4 2014.2″ quoted from google.

    I notice that the sites I work on get close to 80% mobile traffic are you seeing the same?

    Looking forward to connecting on this topic further. Thanks

  56. Sabinsays:

    ok. I have an exact keyword domain for earplug (on country specific). Time to rank on that best headphones and earbuds. Taking action.

    p.s. Glen, what do you think on the country code domain (not US or UK)? will it rank?

  57. Andreassays:

    Since all google searches that contain “near me” and similar triggers googles own search result inlay with map and everything to suggested place aren’t you competing directly with google then? I might have missed it but this isn’t discussed in the article. Should you skip all search results that are competing with Googles own search result box/area?

  58. Ramonsays:

    as always, thanks for an awesome piece of content. It’s 2AM here in the morning and I’m still awake reading through this post and some other old posts and taking some notes.
    I’d definitely want to read more about this in the future.
    Again thanks!

  59. Edwardsays:

    Any more ideas related to the medical / dental industry? Much appreciated. So much value, Glen. Cheers

  60. Nirmalsays:

    As expected, all those domains are registered by your blog readers. Hope people would actually build sites on them that just parking.

    I would love to see more niche ideas.

  61. Viveksays:

    You really covered everything in deep and detail.

    Thanks for it. This will really help me to understand how actually one should find niche or keyword to work on.

    Will be waiting for more such article and article no 2 too!

  62. Jeffsays:

    This for sure is a value filled post.. im hoping to act on one of them .. with ecom

  63. squawksays:

    great read as always glen, congrats on sharing your research. although i believe strongly in the “rank & rent” concept for local seo marketing, it is interesting that i watched an entire video today by a prominent local seo guru who says r&r sites are the worst possible business. i’m having trouble wrapping my head around that as it goes against what my gut believes but then again, he’s “been there done that” and i haven’t. anyway, i digress big time, great article.

  64. Ming Jong Teysays:

    Great work. Love the ideas you shared about this low hanging fruits 🙂

    Keep it up and look forward to reading your part 2.

  65. Suseela Susieesays:

    All are saying the same thing repeatedly, but in your blog I had a chance to get some useful and unique information, I love your writing style very much, I would like to suggest your blog in my dude circle, so keep on updates.

  66. Lily Evanssays:

    Hey loved the post! Great article and congrats on reaching the top 30 young bloggers! I will be back to visit often!

  67. David Nazarethsays:

    Hello glen loved the article. would like some more posts on this topic.

  68. Darky Khansays:

    Appreciate your work Glen!

    For the term “near me”, is there a way to localize it to a particular city (new york for example), because the keyword itself doesn’t specify the location?

  69. Davidsays:

    Interesting stuff for sure. I just asked my wife, who works in the health industry, about boiled broth and she said it’s been growing for a while in popularity but it tastes disgusting! Haha.

  70. says:

    The reason I love this space, a really entertaining read. Do you think similarweb data is reliable? I ask because I used it in the past and was able to cross check their reports with actual domains I was managing and frankly it was a turd. Perhaps their strength is in these micro markets (even if search volume is high?).

  71. Bosays:

    Love, love reading your very long and highly entertaining posts. Although I’m not (at least yet) planning on entering any of these markets, I enjoy reading your background work and the thought that goes into you research and choices.
    Keep it coming.

  72. Ruben Baestaenssays:

    Hey Glen,
    I’m a long time follower, but first time commenter.

    There are actually some great ideas in this post that I’ll definitely be’ll using

  73. SAMsays:

    Thanks for this awesome niche list, Glen! Lots of golden nuggets to keep me busy for quite a while:) As always, I look forward to your next post!

  74. Tomsays:

    Thanks for this insightful post.
    Did some research on one of the niches you mentioned, found 243 suggestions in google and bought a domain that includes the major part of the searchphrase.
    Now its up to generate content – rank – and monetize.

    Looking forward to your followup post.

  75. Bensays:

    Awesome, definitely do more posts like this one!

  76. Sohil Memonsays:

    Hey Glen, I really love to read your case-studies and this is one of the best! Well, you have just mention about varies niches, but any idea how one can rank easily? Please let me know your thoughts.

  77. Rob Gillsays:

    The more you give Glen, like your articles, the more will come back to you many times over. Always well written.

  78. Howardsays:

    Great article! Really appreciate the tips for monetization on the niches!

  79. Iansays:

    Please give us more posts like this one.

  80. Jacob jamessays:

    What a great read! If I can pull all that together I should be able to get somewhere.

  81. Carlsays:

    Question for you… Canada is a small market compared to that of the US or UK. Small population spread out over a BIG territory. Based on this context/reality, what would be the right approach to have success in a given niche?

    I know that it wil generally depend, but there must be some high-level tips to consider.

  82. Theodore DeBettencourtsays:

    Such a fun read. Thank you for the time you put into this. This plucks at the heart of my entrepreneurial adhd. I want to do all of them! You could run a whole business email list just by giving one of these away per week. Hmmmm….

    Awesome stuff – you need a paid course (:

  83. Drusays:

    Thanks for sharing your research. I think if people research on some of the related niche ideas, your article will bring a ton of opportunities.

    Quick question. How would you monetize traffic for search query “Dominos near me”?

  84. Mesays:

  85. Brad McInnissays:

    Glen – another great article. Do you have any idea on the near me searches how that affects mobile searches? More specifically, when you use the near me tag does it rank higher when someone is looking on their mobile device when they have location services turned on? Would be nice if there was a way to capitalize on that. Plenty of great stuff in the article to get going on. Always have great ideas and it is much appreciated!

  86. Joshsays:

    Sometimes I think your SEO advice is actually life counseling packaged in a way that is super targeted for reaching a demographic that otherwise wouldn’t hear it.

    When you say “go local” the message is actually “get out and meet people in your local area you can do business with.”

    So many people get caught up in trying to make money online so that they can travel the world that they forget that the reason we do any of this stuff in the first place is so that we can make an impact in our global community and foster human connections.

    Sure, it starts out with a local niche site that doesn’t require you to talk to anybody. Then as you get more invested in it and see the potential you start to leave the cave and meet people in your local area. Then living there becomes a lot more fun and you find yourself talking to people and getting human interactions you weren’t getting before.

    Staying in front of the computer for too long isn’t good for anybody. Sometimes I think life would be easier working on a farm. But internet money is still money. And easier physically.

  87. Bhuboy Villanuevasays:

    I’ve tried to make a search about one of my niche website and the term near me, and found a site with keyword+nearme , in page 1 of google with low DA, Thanks for sharing this niche ideas

  88. Mateus Guitarsays:

    Damn life, I know this post cost him many hours. This matter has served me as a lesson on how to behave Google with some specific situations.

  89. Tomahawk (@unicornpoach)says:

    Great post as always Glen! Will need to dig up that Pomodoro app blog. Lots of value here as well. Definitely need more posts like this!!

  90. Johnsays:

  91. Jamiesays:

    Great post. How would you suggest optimising for “near me” searches organically?

  92. ernestsays:

    great post as always [inspiration ]

  93. Matt Diggitysays:

    Nice work, Glen. Niche research is pretty much the last topic that a marketer would give out and here you are, laying it all out like a boss. Abundance mentality… all the way. Good on you.

  94. Marksays:

    Awesome insights; am pretty sure competition for these key terms will increase once this article goes viral.

  95. Kash Lalkasays:

    Excellent post Glen,
    I read this post 3 times and have made notes for future businesses. I used your “Best” “2016” idea you gave at the start of the year and started a site with the words in the domain name. I am ranking for some very competitive keywords and am raking in 4 figures in adsense every month passive via it. Barely any links but just jumped the 2016 bandwagon. I will be doing the same for 2017 though this year I am buying the domain name in oct itself so it gets some age. In Jan 2017 I plan to 301 redirect the links from the 2016 site to the 2017 site and copy all the content there. Does it make sense to do it?
    Once again THANK YOU!!!

  96. Lsays:

    Nice how you post these kind of in-depth articles. Good for the inspiration. However, you should now do more on strategies and tips how to rank your website and/or generate traffic. I think this is still a hurdle for a lot of website owners 🙂

  97. tareksays:

    I really loved this post Glen. It is full of information such a great post Glen .Thakns a lot I always believe that you are a great writer.

    I hope To see similar post about niche research in the ” near” future Glen. (see I have applied the near theory lool). I love reading niche research with data .

    Many Many thanks Glen you are the best .

  98. Briansays:

    Great article. I can’t believe that best reviews.guide is able to run on Adwords like that. It’s an obvious bridge page and no content

  99. Imran Yousafsays:

    Thank You Glen for your interesting article. I am frequent visitor but silent reader of your blog. Most of time I wondered how people get the idea of so technical and extremely narrow niche ideas. Your article explained well all this exercise. Especially how to find niche ideas by checking paid traffic tactics.

  100. Rodsays:

    Came here with a preconceived notion but left with totally different mindset. Was wondering when looking at searches per month what would be the minimum you would consider? I feel you are going to say depends on niche. Second question, I have never thought of a directory site, how do you go about monetizing? Simply charging for a link? I have a bunch of decent domain but not enough time in the day it seems. Any advice greatly appreciated

  101. Raphael Shartasays:

    Thanks Glen, I went through your post and found some interesting niches. I hope to choose one of then. get adsense approval or an affiliate maybe amazon and start earning online. though I just started blogging. your advice will be much appreciated on the kind of niche I use .

  102. Leonsays:

    Thanks for the post. In Sermush it is reporting that I’m in 4th position for one of those “blank near me” terms. However when I search for it in google, I am no where to be found (like 3/4 page)…Instead it is showing actual local businesses in my city that are close to me…. I guess only if my browser was not to specific location would I show? But everyone these days is set to a city of theirs and so my page doesn’t have a chance. Or does it?

  103. Alexsays:

    I’m wondering how to take advantage of the “near me” keywords.

    Is there like a geo-locator plug-in that you can use so if someone searches like “pizza near me” and they click your link it geo-locates them to a page relevant to their actual location?

    I’m interested in targeting one or more of those keywords I’m just not sure how to actually make it so when my site is clicked it sends them to a page relevant to the location of the person searching.

  104. tareksays:

    hi Glen, THanks a lot man I do really liked this articles. I really love niche research. Niche research I would really like to see similar blog post in the near future.

    See I have included the magic word “near” lol. thanks a lot glen Hope to read an other post on niches.

  105. Shamaila Zahidsays:

    Wow, this is such a great article! There are so many niche ideas for me to explore. Thanks for sharing 😀

  106. Dashsays:

    I loved this article. I was looking for new inspiration and with this post I have decided to jump into the “near me” lane. I will be putting a spin on it and seeing how it comes along.

  107. Leilões no ESsays:

    Our incredible that. The tips are very good I will apply in my business with certainty.

    P.S: Brazil is following you 🙂

  108. Rubensays:

    I am trying to find those type of niches for my Spanish webs…lets see what we can do

  109. Keviasays:

    You asked if we would like more of this kind of post, and the answer is yes! Thank you for the niche ideas but more importantly the strategies on how you found them. Do you have a post about different ways on how to monetize once you have found a niche/idea. I can’t seem to figure out how money is made once you have a niche or industry locked down. If there is a post or if you could write one just as detailed and informative as this one, that would be really awesome, thank you.

  110. Mikesays:

    Excuse me while I set up VRpoledancingclassesnearme.com 😉

    Pretty sure I might have tipped you off on one of these niches about a year ago in an email I sent you. I have been enjoying the fruits of my labor since 2014 and it’s still going strong, happy to say. While I have definitely seen some new sites appearing and getting gobs of traffic, I still don’t worry much about them…more motivation for me.

  111. Vishalsays:

    I did take a domain name ending with near me but I never realized that it was a big niche. I have to work on that website to see the effect as you mentioned. My domain name searches are low but the website can get good revenue in direct advertizing.

  112. jackysays:

    you rocked the internet bro best tips for niche success thanks will try some of this 😉

  113. ruchi sharmasays:

    Hello Glen,
    Thanks for this huge article on niche research article. This was huge and full of information as always.
    I am also working on a niche blog and trying to rank on top, right now i am on 2-3 rd page without so many backlink. Hope to reach on top of google soon

  114. Abdullah Premsays:

    First of all thanks to share this great post and day before yesterday i was thinking of creating a new niche site but concerned to pick a right product to promote from your post i have marked some products to start with and by the way which tool are your using to dig the keywords?

  115. Cindysays:

    Wow! Awesome stuff here. I love the how you found them way more then what you found.
    Thanks for this freakin awesome share

  116. sudhir shuklasays:

    Hey Glen,
    Got some awesome buyer keyword ideas from here. Thanks a lot for writing this detailed guide on profitable keywords.
    Thanks for giving me beautiful idea.

  117. Wrenn Taylorsays:

    Another Great Article about optimizing SEO strategies. I personally can see the value in SEO and what it does for the community and the advancement of networking our cities! If more people knew how to SEO correctly then more and more cities would grow. In the end it is just a big network 😉

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