As a business owner, it’s easy to forget how powerful someone else’s words can be for your own business.
“Nobody sells you better than someone else.”
Go to a party where someone talks about themselves nonstop. Does this make you think, “Gee, I want to be around that person more?” Probably not.
Now, look at your initial contact with prospects online. Look at your website, your ads, your emails.
They’re all you selling yourself.
Think of why you did this. Is it just because it’s what everyone else seems to have done?
No wonder you get minimal, low quality leads from your website.
To solve this problem, you need to look to one of the biggest brands in the marketing game.
When I was watching Disney Channel with my son, I noticed a powerful commercial for the Magic Kingdom theme park. It didn’t stand out because it touted the characters, the speed of rides, cleanliness of the park, or the incredible service of the staff.
It was just a little boy sharing the story of his vacation, in his own words.
Roy Disney Jr. famously said, “People don’t’ buy brands. People buy stories.”
He couldn’t be more dead on. Stories, not brand, sell.
You don’t need a Disney-sized Budget or your own TV channel to get your customer stories in front of prospects and drive leads.
Here are three great ways to drive more leads with Video Case STORIES.
1. Use SEO to get your story noticed.
When you meet a new consultant, a possible vendor, or even a competitor, where is the first place you go? Google.
When you want to find the answer to a problem, where do you go? Google.
When you want to find a service provider, where do you go? Google, then reviews.
When you want to learn something, where do you go? YouTube or Google.
Sure, your website could rank in all of these places. Yet, it’s infinitely more powerful and memorable to have one of your customers visible on video telling their story. You show them introducing themselves, explaining their problem, and sharing how you solved it. Your customers engage with the story, then they talk about you.
“Nobody sells you better than someone else.”
SEO HACK # 1 Google and YouTube both love good content. These powerful engines can determine whether your content is good or not based on how long your viewers watch. People are more likely to click and watch the entire video of your customer story than your “commercial.”
Google rewards you with higher rankings. YouTube also rewards you by making you a “suggested videos” to other viewers.
SEO HACK # 2 Google and YouTube also reward more links to your video. No one will link to your explainer video, your company overview, or even a cool animation. Create a compelling story, on the other hand, and your video will get embedded in articles around the web. Suddenly, your customer story becomes the center of a link campaign.
Places you should rank your Video Case Stories:
- Name of your business
- Industry type i.e. “Video Marketing Agency Orlando”
- Specific problems you solve
- “How to find the best employees”
- “What to do if I’ve been in a car accident”
- “How to create a sales team”
2. Integrate Video Case Stories on your landing page and homepage.
When a prospect visits your homepage or landing page for the first time, they want to know what’s in it for them. Testimonials try to sell you but usually focus only on the end result.
that a video of a customer story (a Video Case Story) increases conversion on landing pages and home pages from 80 to 200%.
It’s simple.
A Video Case Story transforms visitors into customers. If you format the story correctly using video, people develop powerful connections to your business. They will not only watch the video but remember it.
Video Case Stories, when formatted properly, increase empathy. Increased empathy boost the probability of positive decision making in your prospects. , a pioneer of neuroeconomics, just this on the Garlic Marketing Show.
SEO HACK # 3 Putting a video ON the page fold increases the chance of scrolling. This is good because scrolling signals to Google your site is filled with valuable content, thus rewarding you with a higher page ranking.
3. Have your best customer talk to hundreds of your perfect customers with Facebook Ads.
People go to Facebook for a distraction from reality. Simply putting an ad for your business on Facebook disrupts their peace. Yet, companies do just that, then claim Facebook ads don’t work.
While people want to hear stories of people they relate to on Facebook, they don’t want to feel like they’re being sold an advertisement. In order to be successful on Facebook, you have to first craft a compelling story on video of someone you helped. Next, identify the characteristics of your ideal customer to create a specific audience. Finally, deliver that video to them.
If you ONLY deliver that customer story video to people who have visited your website, you can capture another. You do this through Facebook Retargeting.
What if you could have your best customer talk to over 1000 warm prospects?
One of our client’s, The Jaguar Doctor, had a customer video viewed over 1169 times on Facebook by people that already visited his site in the past 30 days. This entire campaign cost him LESS THAN $100.
The math of success is easier than you think.
The methods I shared above, when utilized together, will easily double your leads.
Let’s say you drive 25% more traffic by optimizing your Video Case Story in those three places mentioned above. That’s a conservative estimate, but it’ll work for our math.
Next, say 25% more traffic goes to your landing page and your website where there is another case story video. Now, conversion rates increase by 20%.
Finally, you show those site visitors another Video case Story on Facebook after they leave your website. Let’s say that also increases the number of leads 25%.
Since these all work in succession, you have a compound effect. You now increased leads by over 95%.
Stop wasting time following the crowd and not seeing results. It’s time to create your First Video Case Study. Click below to join me for thePerfect Video Case Stories Workshop on December 11th and finally take control of your virtual presence.
This content was originally published here.